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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why a Mean Night Out is a Good Thing

Payday?  Check.  Boy at his Grandparents house?  Check  Walking weather in Carrollton, GA?  Check.

Time to go out and Hit the Square.

All of the above we're the conditions with which last night began.  Without children and with some newly found extra cash, Gina and I headed out for a local Food and Pub Crawl to have appetizers, snacks.....and cocktails galore.  You see, the simple act of trying to find dinner lately has been more of a chore than normal.  Of course, I cook a ton but I like to get out of the kitchen and the food scene in our Little Burg is nothing short of incredible.  However, we have sort of "Been There, Done That" with most of the joints in town.  There are a few that we've avoided because of bad reviews, one that has changed its genre and so on but it has been a while since we've dedicated ourselves to a night out and looking for New Food.  A quick call to my niece and her girlfriend to join us, a quick stop at the ATM, and we're on the trail.  The first stop on our path to self destruction was.........

Samba Loca (

Samba Loca used to be Comacho's, just off the square in Carrollton, GA.  I keep putting off posting it but, I wrote a rather scathing blog post and it centered around Comacho's and their snooty-ass attitudes but this time it was a bit of a better experience.  They label themselves as a Brazilian Steakhouse, however, they lack the roaming meat purveyors that I relate to such a place.  A few of the entree's we're labeled as Brazilian and I'm sure they were good but the menu was pretty much Steaks, Seafood, Patsa, etc.

Calabresa Defumada (Bottom)
 and Empanada (Top)
We went under the assumption that they had Tapas, which they did not, but we were informed by a lovely and quite polite young lady by the name of Niva (I'm not sure of the spelling but it's pronounced "Nee-va") of some of the better appetizers as well as some of the Brazilian cocktails on the menu.  After a sip of her Caipifruta and about half of my Guinness and a shot of a very good Brazilian dark rum, Gina ordered the Empinada and I the Calabresa Defumada, very simple appetizer of smoked sausage medallions and grilled onions sprinkled with red pepper flakes.  These along with the bread, which came with a really, REALLY good whole egg garlic aioli added up to a great starter.

Fueled up and ready to go, we settled up, hit the door, met Jenny and Kristen outside, and we were off to.......

Blue Steakhouse (No website but you can look them up on Facebook)

Do me a favor and dig back through the archives and look for the "Loss of a Carrollton Icon" posting.  You'll find the story of Scotty and what brought on the closing of Miller's on the Square.  After about a year of that space sitting empty, someone opened Blue Steakhouse.  I was hanging out at the CSA one day, as is my habit, and a thin fella walked in in a Chef's outfit as was perusing the vegetables.  Always wanting to help CSA sales, I struck up a conversation and it turns out Landon is one, if not the head guy in Blue's kitchen.  A great guy to say the least and I saw him again at the Cotton Mill Farmers Market doing a demo of stuffed cabbage.  Anyway......

Crab Spin (left) and Shrimp & Grits
Knowing that my previous stop involved a simple beer and shot, I stepped up to a Maker's Mark and Coke, Gina had a "Martini" called The Painted Lady, a nice white chocolate cocktail (I'll go into why Martini is in quotations some other time but let's just say The Painted Lady is NOT a Martini), Jen went with a Margarita, and Kristen a simple classic Gin and Tonic.  This is, of course, before I discover The Big Nasty...a large Dirty Martini with bleu cheese stuffed olives.  Umm...Hell Yeah, count me in on one of those.

I asked if Landon had a moment to step out of the kitchen, he did and we talked a little while, and then we ordered The Crab Spin, a crab, spinach, and artichoke dip, as well as one order of Shrimp & Grits.  To be honest, I have never had Shrimp & Grits and to be completely honest, I really don't care for grits but this was on a new level.  I will apologize to Landon up front but I am stealing this recipe that brings together garlic and parm flavored grits with perfectly cooked shrimp and has the entire plate tied together with bacon gravy.  Only two words can fully describe this dish:  Holy Crap, and that's all that really need to be said.

Landon and his crew are knocking it out of the park on Adamson Square.  The leather chairs, the old wood, the staff, and the food are surely making Blue Steakhouse the next thing to do in Carrollton.  Between what we had at Blue and Samba Loca, it was time to hunt a cocktail at another location.  Out the door to the end of the block, turn left and you're at.........

The Alley Cat (also on Facebook and without a website)

I haven't been there in about three years and there's good reason for it.  Although they list themselves as a restaurant and they do have a full on kitchen, it is now and shall be until its demise, the local Bohemian Hang.  It has the familiar smell of "Bar" that  really doesn't equate with food, at least in my book.  Funny how that changes over the years, isn't it?  Even if The Alley Cat doesn't stand as the premier dining event in Carrollton, GA it has the distinction of being the place that, quite literally, anyone can hang out at.  Here we were, a 40 something couple walking through the door with two 20 something girls to hang out with the inked up, the broke, the funny, the professional, and every other type of person that might just want to hang in a place without judgement.  Simply stated:  Every town needs an Alley Cat.

Brian the Bartender (and Owner, I think) turned out to be a year younger than me, and to own a place like that at out age is nothing more than a dream come true.  A funny guy who called out my sense of humor (which is somewhat warped) immediately and that truly made the couple of cocktails go down smoother than normal.  The last command of the night was to "Give me a shot that I can set on fire" which was complied with with a laugh not only from Brian but from a bar patron or two.  I set my 151 on fire, blew it out, slammed it, and away I went.

Given that I seriously dig the Bohemian scene, even at my advanced age, and that Brian was seriously cool, I will most likely be back at The Alley Cat sometime in the future.  Hell, I might even eat there.

John Lee Hooker, George Thorogood, The Irish Bred Pub.....and Abigail (

"You know when your mouth is gettin' dry.....You're plenty high".  John said it first, George redid it with style and a Chainsaw Gibson with a Slide, and it is the truth.  By the time we made it to the Irish Bred Pub, my mouth was getting dry.

We don't believe in chain joints.  If you spend money at a chain restaurant, roughly 60% of the money you spend immediately leaves the Community and we are Community minded people that prefer to see our dollars go toward those that we know.  However, you will notice that The Irish Bred Pub has 6 location and 5 of them are in Georgia.  That makes it somewhat "OK" to go there.  Couple that with the fact that we are tipping and paying for our local college kids, who are working there to make their way through and they have probably the best Corned Beef and Cabbage I've ever had (which was one Hell of a surprise to me) and you leave feeling good about the night out and that the establishment is entirely worthwhile.

However, dinner wasn't in the cards last night as The Pub was our planned last stop for a nightcap, maybe a little fun.....and Abigail.

Abigail is a beautiful young woman that talks fast, moves quick, and lets you know right up front that she may be 4'11" or 5'0", but she has more attitude than you and ten of your friends after a night of drinking Starbucks and Tequila.  She always has a smile for Gina and I, you have to ask if she's hungover at work because it's a distinct possibility, and I have a sneaking feeling that if she were ever mistreated by a customer or if someone took any form of ill liberties with her that Security would be get Abigail off of the offender that just wasn't smart enough to know that she could take care of herself and everyone around her.  No matter when we go, we always ask for her.  No matter what she's doing she always comes over, there are always hugs, and the most fun anyone can have at The Pub is just watching her work.  She's a fireball that gets more out of control the more tired she gets.  THAT is the mark of a professional and they are hard to find.

Why is all of this good?  Why is the fact that we went out with sole purpose of eating and drinking too much a positive move?  Simple:  Because every dime that I spent last night (and last night was "Damaging", to say the least) was spent at local places, that supported local people, and keeps my Fair Little Burg alive.  With only a few dollars, I may have helped Abigail with her college days, I may have helped Brian make a living, I may have helped Landon finance his next culinary discovery, but when it is all said and done, I help my Community survive as the culinary hot spot that it is.  The money that I spent effects more than the people I know and have met there and the tips are more than just a show of gratitude for a job well done.  Every dollar goes toward My Community, plain and simple.

When I was younger and partying my ass off, I never really thought it had a good angle.  As long as I'm out on the town and dropping a few dollars, I know that my personal path to self destruction is, at the very least, benefiting someone.

That, Dear Friends, is why a Mean Night Out is Good Thing.  Now, if you will excuse me there are many things on the menu tonight...the first and last of which is Dog Hair.

****Writers Note:  As I write, read, polish, and trim this article I realize that it is nearly 24 hours to the minute after this adventure began.  I am tired, hungover, bleary eyed, hungry, and have NEVER hammered out a blog post this fast.  The food, the people, the experience, and what it all means is important to me and My Community.  It may not be perfect and I may not be Shakespeare but it speaks from the Heart of My Town.  Hopefully, your town, your local food scene, and the people that make it happen move you the same as it moves me.****

Party Well, Eat Better,

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