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Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day

There are no recipes today.  Please just take this day to remember what it took to get this Great Nation this far in its history and where we are today.

A group of individuals decided that an oppressive Government no longer had the ability to run roughshod over its people with out of control taxation and the constant need to lay the Heavy Hand of Government upon its People to remind them of their place.  The took a chance with their lives and fortunes for the sole purpose of living as Free Men.

Remember this as you enter another election year:  Your Independence is as complete as you make it and we now live in a land in which Government tells you where your kids must go to school, has to approve your food sources, tells you what chemicals have to be in your cigarettes, tells you where you can smoke, what you can drink, and all the while telling you how much you have to pay Them to fund more and more regulations on your life.  Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, it doesn't matter, your Freedoms erode everyday since Government has no one to protect you from, therefore, they must protect you from yourself.

Happy Birthday, America.  The only present I can offer you is to work as hard as I can to return your stature in the World to its former greatness.

God Bless America, The Land that I Love.

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