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The Town Accentric: The Food Blog! is now selling Ad Space. Email me at backporchspiceco@ for more details.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

An Invitation

Ok, as most of you know, I'm trying to get a small spice company off the ground an I am putting a great deal of work into it right now.  It's taking more time that I would like but this is the "Dream" and I go by the only inspiration I need:  If you enjoy what you do, you'll never work a day in you life.  I intend to quit "work" sometime soon.

While we wait for me to get that moving, since it never happens overnight....Damn It...., I going to make my readers an offer they can't refuse as long as you grant me a favor or two.

Your Part

I would like you to follow me on Twitter.  It's that simple.  I want to build a twitter following as I build my business for a couple of reasons.  The first is that I want people to know what I am up to and give them the opportunity get first dibs on any new products or information on Back Porch Spice Company.  The second is that I want people to see what it takes to build a business from the ground up.  Good, Bad, or Otherwise, you will see what I go through to make this happen.  I can be found by looking for RobDuve on twitter.

In Short:  I am inviting you to have a Front Row Seat to either my success or spice pack at a time.  Invite your friends, place bets in Vegas, whatever you like.

My Part

For your participation, I want you to submit either your favorite food (steak, bird, whatever) or your favorite recipe and I will prepare the Top 5 recipes "My Way".  I will cook it, log it, photograph it, document it...and give you Ultimate Credit for it.  To top it off, I will do a Cooking Demonstration at the Cotton Mill Farmers Market in Carrollton, GA and of the best submission that I receive.  Again, I will document it, take pictures with your name giving you credit, and making you a household one small town in West Georgia for maybe a day or so.

Please submit your ideas/requests to along with a picture of yourself and/or your idea of what the dish should be.

There you have it.  I am giving you a front window view what I am up to as I build The Back Porch Spice Company no matter if I fail or make it big.  To sweeten the pot in return for your watching me struggle and, perhaps fail miserably, I will present the Top 5 recipes, foods, ideas that I receive and give you all the credit.

One way or another, y'all win...even more so if you watch me crash and burn.

Eat Well, Party Better


  1. Already follow you on Twitter :)

  2. If you don't twitter, you can sign up and just follow me. There are mobile apps for most phones. Its like texting on the Web. :-)

    One way or another, I am going to hit y'all up for the foods you want me to prepare my way, so get to thinkin!

    And, Thanks for following the Blog. It's going to get interesting. :-)
