Ad Space For Rent

The Town Accentric: The Food Blog! is now selling Ad Space. Email me at backporchspiceco@ for more details.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Love My Job

Reason #326 why I love my job.  Tuna trimmings from a fresh, high quality fish.  He was eaten raw with only soy sauce....Mmmmmmm

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

My Imminent Return....Maybe.

Just a quick little note.

I haven't posted anything in over a year and I hope to change that very soon.  I am currently writing for West Georgia Living Magazine (which take way more time that one would thing), I work at my local country club, I have been making sculptures for a couple of years now, and I still do custom construction projects.  As you can tell, I'm a little jammed up when it comes to time.

However, I am making serious efforts to become a full time writer and perhaps even a podcaster and radio host...all of which will have food as a central subject.  To that end, you will be seeing more blog posts but they will probably be short blasts and pictures from my culinary adventures around West Georgia.  The more chances I get to eat, cook, meet chefs, and promote local foods means the more you will see.

Wish me luck!